Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Orbital Mechanics Coloring Book 2nd edition

Now Available at our online store

Hopefully it will soon be available on Amazon as a Kindle book.

I am not happy with this coloring book. Pages should be opaque enough that images on the other side don't show through. I had failed to specify heavier weight paper when printing this book.

So I am cutting the price of this book from $5.00 to $2.00. I will print a version with better quality paper when I can afford to.

New in the second edition

Given 24 more pages I can add a lot of extra stuff. I've kept most of the original 40 pages and added:

Page 18

In the section on Kepler's 2nd Law I've added a visualization that helps show r X v is twice the area swept out over a given time period. That specific angular momentum is twice the area of the ellipse per orbital period.

Page 22

Page 22 attempts to portray my visualization that helps me remember centrifugal acceleration is ω2r.

Pages 28 and 29

Attempts to explain radians and to show circular motion is ωr where ω is angular velocity in radians.

Pages 30 to 35

Are devoted to orbital vertical tethers. I am going to try to start calling these Sarmount tethers as I have recently learned Eagle Sarmount proposed these in the 1990s.

Perhaps science fiction device but I like them any way. The geometry and math associated with these is pleasing, in my opinion. Here are two pages from this section:

Pages 49 - 51

Are about the Oberth Benefit and EML2

Pages 51 - 52

Are about the rocket equation and mass fractions.

Pages 53 to 63

Looks at thrust vs exhaust velocity, dynamic pressure and the need to make a rapid ascent from a planetary surface to avoid gravity loss.

Page 64

Resources that have helped me. Books, websites, forums. Atomic Rockets, NasaSpaceflightForums, Space Stack Exchange, Tough SF and others. I am adding to this list as more occur to me.

Inside back cover

My favorite equations. The Vis Viva Equation will be at the top. I've been thinking of making a reference sheet to pin to the wall next to my computer. This would serve.

Here is the coloring book as of  March 2020 (6.4 MB pdf, not too big). Reviews would be appreciated. Steven Pietroban invested a fair amount of time looking over the first edition and found many small errors and a few substantial errors. Given my tendency to make misteaks, I'm sure there are errors hiding in my more recent effort. A heads up would be much appreciated if you see something wrong.

My email is hopd at cunews dot info.


  1. Nice.

    I noted only some small typos:

    In page 34, for the Phobos elevator, in "parabolathere" the space is missing.

    In page 43, in "5 u nits away" there is one space too much.

    In page 53, "For decades his has been" is missing a "t".

  2. On the whimsical delta V map, I don't understand why some red vines have delta V numbers and some don't. Can you explain?
